It's a bit of a ongoing joke with a friend of all the mishaps and "situations" that I seem to find myself in on a regular basis so, I decided to begin to record some of the more humorous/pathetic/"shake-you-head-at" ones.
Like today for instance:

This Monday morning was definitely the coldest one yet in Halifax this winter! BRR! School went as normal and I ended up after classes in the library. Now for you that don't know Mount Saint Vincent University, it's not deemed "The Mount" for nothing. The library is at the very bottom and my car was parked pretty much at the top. I will be the first to admit that I am not in shape so I was huffin' and puffin' my way up in the bitter cold. Once I arrived to my car, I unlocked her and then got in and shut the door only to realize... my door would not shut.
Yup. You read right. Here it is like -25 (that's Celsius) with the wind chill and my door will not close. Well immediately I see that the problem is that a latch must be so cold that it will not clasp so I send up a little prayer and begin to heave on that little metal doo-dad with no success. I remembered that I had forgotten my cell phone that morning at home (and come to find out that Esther wasn't home anyways at the time) and see that there is no way I can drive home on the highway holding on to my door. I then come to the conclusion that this is no job for a gal in her newly-washed corduroy white jacket (thanks mom) and stand up to survey the parking lot for a man. Tidbit #2 for those unfamiliar with the Mount... its female to male ratio is 8:2 so I wasn't surprised when there were no guys in sight.
I then proceed to run into Evaristus and look for Kev (senior lab instructor, one of my BEd references and accustomed to my misfortunes). I come to his office and my heart sank: he's not there. So I start looking through the labs and he ends up being in Micro and the students look like they're writing a quiz. Great. Well I decide to march right in and tell him anyways and the little angel that he is dropped everything to come help in the bitter cold. Well after trying himself and scrounging up some screwdrivers he finally was able to get the door shut. The only problem is once he opens to door to let me in the latch "froze" again. So I yelled "STOP!" after a few tries and decide to climb in through the other door. I then hopped in and was thankful (once again) that little Gertie has bum warmers! :)