Well... I've arrived in Obregon. After the acto (more info later) in Hermosillo Saturday evening, I drove back with the Cd. Obregon crew, that is... 19 people (plus 3 people's luggage) in a 15 passenger van for ~3 hours. There's quite a bunch of us here right now: Shad and Cynthia Sluiter are here with their kids (Christy, Cam) and some other gringos (Daniel Baker, Brittany McCandless, Anthony Eliott and Nathan & Brady Dennisson) as well as Duncan, Anna and Dee and don't forget Leah Barbour and I. So all in all meal times are fun! ;)
The Sluiter crew is here doing outreach children's meetings in different parts of the town. Today we divided in to 3 groups of 5 or 6 with a 10x10 tent and a bunch of folding chairs. When we arrived at our destination (under a "shady" tree on the side of the street), we unloaded and began to set up. Then a couple of us set out to the streets to invite kids. Our group had about 32 including a few older kids. We sang, taught a verse and then did the story which involved acting out the story of Noah. I was elected as one of the people that laughed at Noah and Daniel and I both drowned (cooler of water dumped on and all... we were drenched, but it felt good!) After the quiz, we had the kids tell us at least 2 of the 3 verses they had learned over the past few days for a prize. It was amazing to see how well they remembered them :)
"...it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it."
Psalm 55:11
and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it."
Psalm 55:11
We are all going out again in our groups to other locations this afternoon and then there's gospel meeting tonight on the other side of town. It's great to be here and busy but I'm sorry for the lack of pictures. I have some to show you but alas something is up with my SD card which has hindered any further uploading progress. So until I get this thing figured out, just hang tight ;)