Well things haven't been too happening as of late and the internet has been acting up so it just wasn't worth the effort to post... sorry. Well let's see what has happened:
First off. We had a yummy lunch on Monday involving chicken, chipotle and peanut butter... HELLO! :D
First off. We had a yummy lunch on Monday involving chicken, chipotle and peanut butter... HELLO! :D
We also had the young people over for a sort of last minute good bye party for Isaac but I was called away quite early to care for the Woodford girls as there was a feline medical issue that needed to be directly attended to. It actually was sort of a blessing as I was able to get to know Steph.
I think this is the time that I should also confess something: I have met the love of my life. Yup, that's right. He's right here... my man, the gas stove! Man, I love this thing. We've been through a lot too. Many-a breakfast, cakes, cookies... *sigh* When the time comes, I don't know how I'll carry on without him :'(
I think this is the time that I should also confess something: I have met the love of my life. Yup, that's right. He's right here... my man, the gas stove! Man, I love this thing. We've been through a lot too. Many-a breakfast, cakes, cookies... *sigh* When the time comes, I don't know how I'll carry on without him :'(
Eleo had written a play for the Sunday School here to act out on next Saturday. One of the girls is the Ethiopian eunuch so Mad an I did a little trial run for the face paint. I definitely had.... fun at her expense, but she was a great sport. 
While we were at the beach, Evelyn collected LOTS of shells of all sizes but there were an abundance of these spirally ones. 
I like shells, but I never know what to do with them so this time I decided to make hair clips. It's hard to see Eva's but they actually turned out quite cute. Oh, and in case you're wondering we're pointing to a cup of beans... we are the coolest cats on the block.
I like shells, but I never know what to do with them so this time I decided to make hair clips. It's hard to see Eva's but they actually turned out quite cute. Oh, and in case you're wondering we're pointing to a cup of beans... we are the coolest cats on the block.
Today was pretty uneventful. We all decided to sleep in a bit and then went off to Walmart to do a bit of shopping. Mad and I made a tuna casserol while Alison and Eva went out visiting. Then I relived my childhood by making a room-clue game that I use to play with my cousins all of the time and then Duncan and Nathan Dennison stopped in on their way through to Cd. Obregon. Then we headed off to gospel meeting in Tirocapes where I felt like a mother: Joley (fellow curly top) on my right drawing, Joshua (the cutie pie that keeps popping up on here) on my left, Michell (a little one with the most adorable smile ever) on my lap and then a little rascal in front who really didn't want to sit. I just love kids here because all I need to know is a few universal hand gestures and "sientate" (sit down), "escucha" (listen) and "despues" (later) and you're alllll good ;)
hmm sientate" "escucha" "despues" would have helped me a lot when I babysat a random little kid whose mom came to gospel meeting in San-luis.
ReplyDeleteInstead I took him outside to play & let him take pictures with my camera....mind you he was 4!