I was reading in Exodus 4, which is the scene of Moses and the burning bush and his calling by God to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. As God tried to prepare him for the work, Moses felt inadequate and doubtful and God's response was: "What is in your hand?" (Ex. 4:20) The mighty God of the universe chose to prove to Moses his power and might by the use of a simple staff. The same is true with us. God is molding us for a special work for Himself and he simply asks us: "What is in your hand?" Now for Moses, it was a staff, probably one he used for his day-to-day job of shepherding, which teaches me a principle that God wants to use the everyday tools that are already in my life, not spectacular, miraculous ones. He has already equipped me, I just need to be available and ready to trust God for whatever work he has for me to do :)
Later on Moses recognizes the same staff as an instrument of God by referring to it as "the staff of God" (Ex. 4:20). Moses' perspective has changed now that he has witnessed the powerful signs done by his staff. I may have specific talents, money, ambition, material possessions and time that God has given me. Do I see them as just something from this life or as not my own but a means for God to work through me? I need to have perspective that they have been entrusted to me as part of a stewardship.
So now the question is: what's in your hand?!
Hope you enjoyed these little, simple thoughts. Have a good rest of your week :)
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